Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Coral, Leopard, and Leather

Some people say that it is very possible to wear TOO many trends at one time. However, one thing I have never been accused of is being understated ha! Although I can totally appreciate the classic feel of simple beauty, it has never quite worked for me. I love throwing on as many of my favs as possible and trying to make it work. Motto: Overdressed > Underdressed. I can totally picture my mother rolling her eyes right now in disagreement...love you mom!
In this outfit I am wearing my three favorite trends of the moment (I mean if you guys are going to force me to choose only three!). I love coral accents with EVERYTHING. I feel like this is a color that you just can't go wrong with. I even have about 5 shades of coral lipstick!
Leopard and Leather are both being seen everywhere this year. I have always loved leopard/animal print anything. I love that you can pair it with almost any solid color for a fun, out-the-door look! However, I had a hard time at first styling this skirt. It is a little bit of an in-between length and a more edgy feel to it, but after taking some inpiration from some other great blogger out there, I know have a million more ways I want to try it! All stores carrying these two trends beware, I am on the hunt and I want MORE!

Skirt: Limited (old) Similar Shirt: Francesca's (sold out) Cute Option! Watch: Michael Kors Similar
Boots: So Old!! Wish List! (hint hint hubby) Sunglasses: Aldo
What are some trends you are loving right now?!
Can you ever be wearing enough?
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Thank you all for reading
Tori <3


  1. Loving the bag!
    Thanks for linking up :)

  2. Thank you so much for visiting! I can't wait to get some inspiration from your blog!

    Tori <3

  3. Thank you so much!

    And thank you for hosting the link-up. You ladies did a fabulous job! I love looking at all the looks and seeing all the different blogs out there!

    Tori <3

  4. I'd have to agree with you = leopard and leather works together everytime!!

    Visiting from the linkup. Would you fancy following each other on GFC or other social networks? I'd love to keep up with your posts. Just let me know if you're interested.


  5. Absolutley! Thanks for the comment! I will be following you on GFC! I love your look! Im glad you checked out my blog!


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!