Monday, October 7, 2013

Owls at Old Navy

I will be the first to admit I don't go into Old Navy on a regular basis, but I have a huge secret for you...shhhh! This is between me and you! :)

Their fall line is AMAZING! I could have gone cray, cray in there and bought it all up, but then how would I feed myself for the rest of the month. Man, being an adult can be rough! Back to the point though, Go visit Old Navy!

It is not attached to our mall so I tend to forget about going there, but the prices are great and their fall stuff is comfy, trendy, and has a lot of sparkle to it. I wore this to work the other day (for a special jeans day!) and I felt like Fall, not to mention I love anything Owl related this season. These shoes from there are also sooo comfy! I love my flats, but its nice to switch it up with more of the loafer look these shoes bring.

{Shirts: Old Navy/Old Navy} {Pants: American Eagle}
{Shoes: Old Navy} {Earrings: Betsy Johnson (old) Betsey Johnson Owl Earrings!}

I finally took all my patio furniture in and put up the mums. Love it! I just want to sit out there and drink coffee all afternoon. 

Are there any stores who's fall line pleasantly surprised you??

Also updated my page out ME. Go check it out so we can get to know each other a little better :)

Tori <3


  1. OMG!! I totally forget about Old Navy. Which is sad because I get email alerts from them almost everyday! LOVING this outfit and the Owl! I will have to check it out and be careful because I have to eat as well! BTW love your use of Cray Cray!


  2. Omgsh you are soo sweet!! I love the word cray cray, can't stop saying it :) Go to old navy, I am telling you you won't be dissapointed!! Thanks so much for the comment!! I can't wait to look through your blog!!

  3. I adore this owl sweatshirt and the way you've styled it. Quirte. (my combination of quirky and cute)


  4. Aww thank you Suzanne! Haha and I love your work "Quite"! That is adorable and my husband is constantly calling a littel quirky!! :) Thank for commenting and reading the blog!


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!