Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Liebster Blog Award

I am very excited and honored to have been given the Liebster Blog Award from fellow blogger Monica Despa @ Should I or Should I Not?!

It is a fun award given to new up-and-coming bloggers that have fewer than 200 followers! It is a great way to get to know your blogger and to kind of pay-it-forward and show love to other bloggers!

Monica has given me a list of questions to answer so that you can know a little more about me! After that I will list Bloggers that I follow and I would love to present this award to!

11 questions from Monica
1. Why did you start blogging?
**I love fashion and I love sharing with people a little bit about my life. I never really was sure if anyone would read or follow, but I have been thrilled with the result! It is awesome getting to know other people and developing a network of friends through my ever-evolving blog. I use it as a creative outlet for my life and it has truly been a source of joy for me.
2. Which is your favorite fashion blog? or blogger?
** I have quite a few that I follow and I love them all for many different reasons!! One of my very favorite fashion blogs is Carrie Bradshaw Lied. Kathleen is an amazing blogger and I love her style. As an avid Sex & the City fan, the title pulled me in and this girl has kept me reading every day!
3. Your favorite perfume?
**Anything by Burberry!
4. Denim jacket or leather jacket?
**Leather, all day, everyday! I am just not a fan of denim jackets on myself even though I love them on other people!
5. The main color of your clothes?
I love anything in the warm color family. I think they look best on me and show off my skin-tone. I wear a ton of browns, burnt oranges, and burgundy.
6. The best cosmetic product you have ever tried ?
** I love Urban Decay's eye primer, keeps my eye-making lasting all day long! Love, Love, Love It!
7. Your favorite accessory item?
**I have a tattoo on my wrist, which is a no-no at my job (booo ha) so I wear bracelets aloottt!!! I happen to love bracelets and watches, so it isn't really a chore to wear them everyday :), just a good excuse to have to buy them!
8. The most expensive item you have in your wardrobe? (clothes or accessories)

**Hmm that is a hard one because I tend to be a bargain shopper! I love nice clothes, but I like alot of them ha so i tend to try not to make huge purchases! I think my most expensive items are my jeans! I tend to splurge on those because a good fit is so important and can be hard to find!

9. Favourite fashion icon?

**I love anything that Jennifer Lawrence wears. I have jumped on her bandwagon and I am not getting off! I love her and her style! She is new to the game, but I love that she is always put together and fabulous! She even looked adorable while tripping at the Oscars!! You go girl :)

10. Something that you have on your wishing list?
** I would love a pair of Hunter Boots, those are going to be my next splurge!

11. The most beautiful present you have received?

** My engagement and wedding rings. I love them with all my heart...and my husbands not so bad himself :) ha! OK he is the best :):)

Bloggers I am Nominating for the Award:

1.A Girl and Her Sparkles
3.Life as a Waterleaf
4.Upbeat Soles

I read all these blogs every time they are published and thoroughly enjoy these women's style and learning more about their lives! These ladies all rock, so please check them out and make sure you give them a follow and a nice comment!!

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little better and I hope you enjoy checking out some really great up-and-coming blogs!!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, I hope you get to spend it with the ones you love and eat until your pants no longer button :)



  1. Congrats! I enjoyed reading this.

    I also REALLY want a pair of Hunter boots. I've been seeing a lot of them lately.

  2. You're so sweet! Thanks for the mention :)


  3. I loved reading your answers! I always love seeing new blogs that other people love!

  4. Great to learn a little bit about you! Thanks again for nominating me for the award it means so much to me that you are enjoying reading my blog! I hope you are having a happy Thanksgiving!!

    <3 Shannon

  5. Love getting to know you! Thanks for linking up for WIWW! Don't forget to link back to my blog!

  6. Thank you so much for stopping by!! Ill be crossing my fingers we both get a pair of Hunter boots under the tree this year :):) I hope you have a fabulous holiday!!

  7. Thanks so much!! I have also been seeing them everywhere, they are too die for and would be perfect for our slushy, snowy Ohio winters!! thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving!

  8. Thanks Becca!!! I hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving!! There are so many good blogs out there, I think it is so great to be able to help spread the word!!

  9. I really so enjoy your blog and your Instagram!! I hope everyone checks it out! You style is very inspiring! Hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving!!

  10. Thanks Sarah!! I will def link it up!! hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Thank you for stopping by :):)


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!