Monday, November 25, 2013

Plaid and Pugs

Weekends are one of my favorite things in life! I get to spend them with the hubs, puppies, family, and friends. I am a social butterfly. In fact, my husband calls me a gypsy because I am always running around all over the place doing well anything and everything! The older I get though the harder that pace is to keep up with!! This working girl gets worn out!! My favorite thing lately has literally been cuddled up watching t.v. with my puppies (they don't make me watch sports like another certain person I know...cough, cough...Brent! ha) and drinking coffee. 

My dogs are like my children. I am that crazy person who spoils them to death and they pretty much own my household. Eugene, aka Geno, is my 3 year old pug. He is the tan one below and he is a mommy's boy!! That picture perfectly describes him, his favorite activity is sitting on my and giving non-stop kisses :) and I don't mind one bit!! O and eating, really eating is his favorite, but he is supposed to be on a diet... but that never seems to work out...mainly because I don't have any self control when he gives me those puppy eyes #pushover :). Gemma, she is my 1 year old Frug (French Bulldog/Pug Mix). She is deaf, but boy you would never know it!! She is the happiest/wildest dog I have ever met. She def. keeps me and Geno on our toes. She makes Geno a little nutty, but hey she is his little sister so that is her job!! I will be posting a lot of these precious pups on my blog. In fact Geno is obsessed with getting his picture taken, he is such a ham. Gemma is a little harder though because she is never sitting in one place long enough to snap a photo off. They are both so unique and different and sometimes a handful; yet I can't imagine my life without them in it!!

{Shirt: F21} {Scarf: Wet Seal}
{Bracelets: F21 Similar} {Boots: Charlotte Russe Want}
{Watch: Michael Kors} {Jeans: DayTrip@Buckle}

You can't go wrong wearing a comfy, over-sized plaid shirt with a warm scarf and boots. It is a go-to outfit for me! I love pairing it with a little bit of dressy jewelry, like the spike bracelet you can see in the pictures. It is a way for me to not feel so "country", I mean unless that's the look I am going for that day! Swipe on some bold red lipstick and it completes the outfit for me!

Do you all have pets??
How many times do you sweep a week if you do?? (My vacuum and I are on a first name basis)

Thanks for stopping by!!
Tori, Geno, & Gemma

Linked up with some great ladies @:

A Girl and Her Sparkles


  1. Your dogs are seriously adorable!! This makes me miss my dog :(. My mom and I got a dog my freshman year of high school and now that I'm living 3 hours away and working full time I hardly get to see him.Can't wait to snuggle up with him at Thanksgiving!! Loving your look, too -- especially that scarf! So pretty!

  2. Cute outfit. Your dogs are too cute!!!!


  3. love the outfit! and your dogs are so cute :)

    xo brie

  4. aww thanks girl!! Those dogs have my whole heart! well animals in general ha I would prolly have a zoo if the hubs ok'd it :) Good thing he keeps my grounded!

  5. awww that has to be hard being away from him!! He will be sooo excited to see you I am sure and will be loving all the time he has while you are home!! You will have to show me a picture, I love all dogs!! I can't wait to check out your blog and follow!
    Thanks for stopping by and have a great Thanksgiving!

  6. Thanks so much Agi!! If I don't talk to you before then I hope you have marvelous Thanksgiving!!

  7. Thanks Brie!! They are super loveable to, they love all people...even my niece who is terrified of them and wishes they didn't love her so much ha!! Have a fabulous holiday!

  8. Oh I love those pups!! :) And of course, if one could describe my would be jeans!! You look totally adorable in this blog! :*

  9. I love your outfit! The scarf looks so nice with the plaid top! I'm in need of some new flannels tops so maybe I should check out F21!

  10. Loving both your plaid top & scarf, Tori. Love how you did your hair, too. Thanks for always dropping by my blog. About time I returned the favor <3

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

  11. Love the plaid with that scarf! Very cute combo! Such cute dogs too! My husband isn't a pet person so we don't have any right now :( Maybe one day I'll change his mind though!

  12. Thank you so much carly!! Omgsh def check out F21, they had a ton to choose from, I wanted to buy more ha but I resisted :) I can't wait to check out your blog!! Thank you for stopping by!!

  13. Thank you so much Abby! Thanks for stopping by!! Have a great holiday!

  14. Thank you!!! Aww dogs are awesome, but they are alot of work and you have the cutest little girl who I am sure keeps you both on your toes :):) I hope you have a great holiday!!

  15. Ps - I featured you in my blog today!

  16. Great shirt! We are getting a dog in May, soooooo excited!


  17. We are thinking a Bichon Frise, well me and the kids are. The husband is having some issues with having to walk a white fluffy dog - ha x

  18. haha tell him he will look adorbs!! Those dogs are sooo cute :):) You will have to let me know what you guys end up getting!!


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!