Friday, January 24, 2014

Picture This

I think the saying "A picture is worth a thousand words" rings so true. I am a picture freak--to the point of making my hubs a little crazy. I like Facebook, I can handle Twitter, but I LOVE Instagram--make sure you follow me HERE. I not only love posting snapshots into what is happening in my world--but I love seeing everyone's fun photo's. I get huge inspiration on Instagram in all areas from fashion to fitness to my Faith. 

I thought I would just share some photos from my Instagram today and share a little of my world with my favorite readers :)

{I know I promised no more animal sweaters--but it's a Pug--no willpower was strong enough to fight it ha}

{I got to go to Columbus to visit one of my very best friends--we had the best time eating Mexican and drinking margaritas--all bad but all good :)}

 {That is my little baby--I don't know if I mentioned she is deaf! You would never know it though--total pistol--always keeps me on my toes!}

{I had a really bad day at work so the next day I wore tons of bling--instantly felt better!}

{In Columbus we went to a make your own candle bar called Candle Lab--the scent I mixed was Pistachio Butterscotch--I am totally obsessed and can't wait to go back!}

{I also joined an exercise class--I have been having a blast with a great group of ladies and getting back into shape! Win/Win right there!}

Hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better thought pictures :)

Make sure you also follow me on PinterestBloglovin', or GFC (located on right sidebar)! :)

Also, I always send an e-mail back to comments, they just make my whole day to hear from you guys--so although it doesn't show that I reply on the site--I will personally send you an e-mail :)


  1. OMG i love your pup!

  2. Awww, hahahaha that pug shirt is SO cute and makes me laugh. Us Pug lovers are a different breed. Making a candle sounds like fun! I would love that. And I too add an overload of jewelry when I'm having a bad day --sparkly things make me happy! :D


    Because I'm Obsessed

  3. OMG you have a pug!! I love pugs - my mom has a puggle. (We have 2 dogs but neither are pugs). So cute! Also, make your own candle bar sounds awesome!


  4. Such cute pictures!!!! Now I can follow along with instagram too! :)



Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!