Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Blushing Belle

{Guest Post By Tara Belle of Northern Lights-Southern Belles. I was thrilled when Tara agreed to write a post for me while I was in Myrtle. As soon as I read her blog, I wanted her to be my friend (is that creepy?? ha!) This girl has so much style, its redic! And, her sense of humor keeps me reading and laughing with her daily! P.s. Can you believe she just had her third little one?! Make sure you get your tushies over to her blog.}

good morning babes!!
sorry to disappoint, but Tori is on vacay, so you're stuck with me for today.  I am Tara Belle and I blog over at NorthernLights-SouthernBelles.  don't let the name fool you now, I am an uber-sarcastic, loud-mouth yank living in the supremely southern city of Charleston, SC.  the blonde hair helps me blend in, but this belle is no cotillion candidate.  I do live this pretty city of mine and the inspiration tends to ooze over into my style from time to time.  todays look is a bit more feminine than the norm, but when I do do pretty, it tends to be in the form of blush tones.  this blouse needs no introduction and definitely doesn't need much styling, so I kept it pretty simple with a great fitting pair of light wash skinnies (a must have for spring) and these nude sandals; both of which are very much on the cheap side because this momma is always on a tight budget!  I added a slight pop of contrast with this metallic blue bag and layered on the jewels, which is always my favorite part!!  ain't no party like a bangle party, am I right??  it may be a little much, but I love a good arm full of charms and Alex & Ani is a bit of a guilty pleasure.  Thanks so much for having me ladies!!  I hope you have a fabulous day and swing by sometime!!

 "femininity is the ultimate form of sophistication"


top 1.State c/o Belk // jeans H&M // heels Charlotte Russe // bag Brahmin c/o Belk //
sunnies Raen c/o Ditto [click HERE to receive your first month free]
charmed arm c/o Alex & Ani listed from top to bottom

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