Monday, June 22, 2015

Learning Curve

{Shirt: Old Navy} {Shorts: Old Navy} {Necklace: NY&Co. LOVE
{Shoes: Jessica Simpson Similar} {Watch: Charming Charlies} {Purse: gifted obsessed}
I am so excited y'all--I FINALLY (after 2 years of blogging) got myself a DSLR. You guys gave me some FABULOUS advice when I asked which ones you liked best! I went with the Nikon D3100--and LOVE it (I scored it for a steal on Ebay). I am still learning how to use it--aka I have NO idea what I am doing lol.
Plus, I am a ding dong and of course forgot to check if this was wireless remote compatible--and it is not, whomp whomp. Because I take most of my pictures on a tri-pod I am having trouble focusing without one--any suggestions?!
Any other suggestions on the Nikon D3100 and how to best use it? What settings do you use the most for blogging? I am trying to figure out how to blur the background--but obvi that didn't work quite yet :)
Thank you all again for your amazing advice!

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