Wednesday, July 22, 2015

It is not Always Black and White


{Shirt: J. Crew Very Similar} {Shoes: Express still saw on sale in store LOVE
{Rings: F21 Similar} {Earrings: old Obsessed} {Pants: NY&Co. Identical}

Trying to figure out what to wear to work can be a CHORE! For a fashion lover like myself, I am always trying to tow the line between professionalism, and rocking the trends I love.

Patterned pants are a great way to do this. They come in all kind of prints and colors. Plus, they can be dressed up for work or down for the weekend depending on what shirt and jewelry you choose to accompany them. Just make sure they fit right (not too tight ladies) and then rock the socks off you boss with your new sassy style!

How is everyone's week going?! I am finally starting to find a balance between my new job and blogging; it makes my heart happy! Giving up this little space of mine wasn't an option, but I didn't want it to be a source of stress either--you know?! It is all working out and I am LOVING my new position. 

I also get to get out of town this weekend and head to Columbus--so pumped! Any blogging buddies in that area?!

Happy Hump Day

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