Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Dream Chasers: Heartland Charm & a Giveaway!

I will be so real with you all--I have been such a slacker on my very favorite series I write on this blog. "Dream Chasers" is about people with small businesses who are chasing their passion--and that is so very close to my heart! I LOVE supporting them and helping share their creations with all of you.

So I couldn't be more thrilled to be bringing it back with a bang. This Dream Chaser is not only a local Ohio designer, but I can call her a friend. She truly is so talented and has had the courage to take this dream and pursue it head on.

But, I will let her tell you all about it down below. 

P.S.  make sure you enter the Rafflecopter to win a one of her amazing pieces!

{Earrings: c/o Heartland Charm} {Shirt: Charlotte Russe Similar} {Shorts: Charlotte Russe LOVE}{Shoes: Charlotte Russe Steal} {Bracelet: Edith Marie Jewelry} {Sunnies: F21 Splurge}

1. Tell me about your business and why you choose to get into this field of work?

My business is something I've worked on since I was about 10 years old. I grew up with a mom who worked full time and made jewelry on the side. I'd sometimes sit at her jewelry table missing her while she was at work, making jewelry was a way of connecting to my mom while she was gone, it was a common bond for us. 

After awhile of me making things with her supplies she would tell me how nice everything was and then she would take me to get supplies on my own. I grew up going to flea markets and finding vintage pieces I could refashion into original artwork. We would participate in craft shows and jewelry shows, and it kind of led me to where I am today. My business is Heartland Charm, I make one of a kind jewelry pieces, fashion tops, bridal party gifts, magnets, and bags. 

2. Is this your full time job or do you have 9-5?

Currently this is my full time job, I quit my job about a month ago to follow my dream as making Heartland Charm my main focus. 

3.What is the most rewarding part of owning your own business?

The most rewarding part of owning my business is the acknowledgment I get. I've never really had a career I felt proud of, I feel like Heartland Charm is my baby and I put my all into everything I make.. it's so nice hearing compliments about the items I have made and getting positive feedback from my buyers.

4. What are some challenges you have faced?

Ohhh there are so many challenges!! Being a creative person, you have your days where you aren't inspired or you force yourself to make something and it just won't come out right. It's also hard hearing no, trying to get into stores around town that are full, or may not be the right fit. There are days where I go to craft shows expecting to make back what I've put into them and making not nearly as much as I'd hoped. Days where you sell nothing and you start doubting yourself and spend the rest of your night on job listing sites. There are so many challenges but many more rewards.

5. What advice would you give someone looking to start their own business?

Prepare yourself! Do your research!! I wouldn't be where I am without the support of my mother and most importantly my husband, who talked me into quitting my job and following my dream. You have to want it.. you can't be afraid, you have to go after it. It's also not a bad idea to have options or back up plans. 

6. What is your favorite item in your shop? 

I have so many favorite items in my shop because everything I make is different. I love the charm necklaces 'cause they are full of charms I've found on many flea market treasure hunts. But I also love my double pistol shirts, they're my best seller.


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