Thursday, September 3, 2015

Out of the Box

{Dress: Old Navy} {Belt: Limited Similar} {Shoes: Charlotte Russe
{Sunnies: Aldo LOVE} {Watch: NY&Co. Obsessed}

Everyone has their own style--things they like to wear, things that are flattering on them, things that make them feel good.

But, every now and then it is fun to step out of your own "fashion box". 

For me, that was wearing leggings with this dress. It's just not something I would usually put together, but we were going to a winery and I knew it would get chilly at night, so I wanted style AND comfort. 

And somehow, this came together, and just worked. I loved the color combo and the shoes are my new favs!

So my advice today--try something new! Wear leather. Put on some bright lipstick. Rock over the knee boots. Own it.

And have a fabulous weekend Fashionistas

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