Monday, October 5, 2015

Power Shoes and Power Moves

{Shoes: Charlotte Russe} {Pants: Old Navy} {Cardi: Loft}
{Clutch: Edith Marie Jewelry} {Shirt: Express Similar}

Can we go back and redo the weekend? I wasn't ready!

Ah-time is just flying by lately and I have been loving every minute. But, when you are so busy, sometimes, something's gotta give!

Blogging has been SO fun and such a great creative outlet for me--but I am also kinda competitive and a perfectionist, so I can make it into more of a chore/job than something I do for fun. 

It can be challenging seeing other people's blog really growing and thriving (and I am SOO cheering them on!), but I don't have the kind of time/drive it takes to make that happen right now.

I have been LOVING my new job--and as much as I wish blogging paid the bills, it doesn't. So I want to focus more on my new career and all the places that it can take me! 

But, I am not ready to give up this little space and all my blogger babes just yet. 

So, I am going to be making a little change around here. I will be posting everyone Monday and will most likely keep it to just one day a week for now. I want to post more quality content and stuff you all can really enjoy and dig into. There may be a little more writing thrown in as well, with a whole lot of fashion (as usual! ha!). 

I hope you all will still stick around and see what the future holds for my little corner of the internet!

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