Monday, November 2, 2015

New Ways to Wear Old Favorites

 {Poncho: Target} {Boots: Payless} {Dress: thrifted IN LOVE}
{Necklaces: Express & Versona Similar & Similar}

Poncho's have been a total staples in my closet the past two years or so--so finding some new ways to wear them is a must! One of my go-to's this year has been to pair them with a dress. It makes them more work appropriate and dresses them up a bit, while still staying warm and cozy!

Did everyone have a good Halloween weekend?! I didn't dress up--lame old lady--but I loved seeing everyone's creative looks! 

P.S. I will be in NYC coming up this Friday through Monday--any of my blogging babes going to be in town?! I would love to grab coffee or a drink!

Have a fabulous Monday Fashionistas

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