Monday, September 30, 2013

Akron Marathon 2013

If you would have asked me last year if I would be participating in any type of a marathon, I would have told you you were cray, cray!

This year though, I did it! With a lot of help and encouragement from my team, we did the Akron Marathon Relay on Saturday. I am by no means a runner. I do it for exercise occasionally when I have eaten one too many blueberry scones (See here ha!), but other than that it's just not something I have ever put much time into since my college days.

Last year though, my co-workers and I, decided to do the marathon as a relay. I did the anchor leg that was 5.5 miles. Now I know for some of you serious runner this probably seems like a jog in the park, but for a former smoker and exercise avoider, this was quite a feat! I did a better pace than I expected, I finished, and I had a blast! I could not be more proud of myself and my teammates as we kicked some butttt!!

....even beating my hubby's relay team!! OwOw!!

{Pants: American Eagle}

{Bright and early at 6am being photobombed  by our teammate}

{All done, we even got medals!}

{My teammate Sarah's hubby made us these T-shirts with our Team Name}

{Getting ready to hand off and start/Allll finished and so happy about it}

The pants I wore to match our customized T-shirts were from American Eagle. Two words: In Love. Their new athletic wear line is spectacular. It is super affordable and so cute! They have some really fun, girly styles that would make me want to work out just for a chance to wear them. I will 
 be going back to buy more!

So thank to my teammates and all the employees from my company who participated!! It was a blast and I couldn't/wouldn't have done it without you all!!

Tori <3

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