Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thrifty in Yellow

I am on a budget! Like most 20 somethings these days, times can be tight! I love clothes and I will be honest (mainly because my husband reads this and will call me out if I am not), a big chunk of my budget is hanging in my closet. 


Ok the secret is out...we can move on.

So in this budget conscious world I love when I can snag a deal! Especially one at a consignment shop. I got this shirt foreva-a-go! It is one of my favorites though because it flows and is easy to wear on a weekend filled with errands and transitions straight to lunch with friends. 

I spiced this top up a little by putting a brooch in the front where it ties. It adds a little bling and fun!

I think this shirt might have cost me a whole 5 dollars! Gasp, I know some of you may be weirded out by wearing used clothes...but not me!! You know what they say..."If the shirt fits...wear it"! OK, so maybe the word is shoe, but in this instance just pretend with me its shirt :)

{Shirt: Thrifted} {Jeans:American Eagle
{Shoes: Old, Michael Kors Flats}
{Brooch:old hair bow from The Icing}

What are your thoughts on consignment shops? Yay/Nay??

I like them a lot! I will admit they can be hit or miss and you usually spend extra time digging through piles to find a gem, but for the prices you can't beat it!

Enjoy your Thursday, one more day until the weekend!

(not that I am counting) :)

<3 Tori

1 comment:

  1. Thank you!! Thanks for visiting my page :) I love getting comments from fellow fashionistas!


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!