Friday, October 18, 2013

Do you want a little outfit to go with those earrings?!?

Questions on the day?

Does anyone like pancakes?

OK, I know that seems very random! I like pancakes, they are great and all, but I much prefer syrup!! Yummy! Well when I was a kid I used to put so much syrup on my pancakes that my mother would say "Do you want a little bit of pancakes to go with your syrup?". She may have had a point and I prolly had a sugar high:).

 Any-who, that is how I felt about these earrings. I L.O.V.E. love them! I never bought anything to wear with them, but for some reason I just HAD to wear them this very night (c'mon we have all been there) so I decided to build my whole outfit around them. Aztec sweaters are all the rage and I love this one. I got it at Dillard's (on sale...score!) and I just threw it on with an over-sized T-shirt and some jeans and I felt cool and effortless!

When you wanna wear something, make it work! Put a little outfit with those earrings girl :)

{Shirt: Dillard's Similar} {Jeans:American Eagle} {T-shirt: old Want this one!}

{Earrings: F21 (in stores) Amazing

The night I wore this we went out with some friends for dinner and then some much needed wine. It was the most gorgeous night and we actually sat outside for most of it! It is one of those nights you are having fun just chatting, truly enjoying each others company so much that you never want it to end! Unfortunately, a tired baby and some very chilly air made us end our evening. I feel lucky to have enjoyed what might be the last bit of nice weather Ohio sees this year. Forecast for this weekend...30's...goodbye sweet summertime!

Have a great weekend y'all!
I have a really great surprise for my post on Wednesday, so be sure you join me then :)

Tori <3


  1. Your whole outfit is adorable!
    I'm the same way about ketchup that you are with syrup! I put it in everything! I'm a new follower of your blog!

  2. I am so glad someone can relate :):) thank you so much for following and reading! I love the name of your blog its so cute and i have enjoyed reading and following you as well!! You have great style!


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!