Monday, October 21, 2013

Saturday Morning Coffee Date

I can't believe it is Monday again! These weekends have just been flying by. We had a 30th birthday party as well as wedding to go to this weekend. Both were a blast! In fact, my legs are still sore from dancing at the glass of wine and I think I am on Dancing with the Stars to bad its more like America's Funniest Home Videos :). 

Saturday morning before the wedding I wanted to relax and catch up with my friend who was in town. We met early for coffee and this look was the result. I would love to say that I always have my hair perfect and looking great no matter what time of day, but I AM NOT a morning person. I threw this all on in about 15 mins and was out the door. I am pleasantly surprised at how easy the over-sized sweaters are to wear. They effortlessly make you look more put together, but secretly it felt like I was going to Starbucks in my pajamas!

{Sweater: 2B} {Neckace: Charming Charlies Also Adorbs!}
{Shoes: Old Navy} {Jeans: Old Navy}

One day I will be one of the people who are up with the sun. I will take a morning jog, do the dishes, shower, and have a cup of coffee all before 9 a.m., but alas today was not that day :). Regardless, it was a great day filled with friends, dancing, and laughter and really nothing beats that!

Have an awesome Monday! 

Don't forget to come back Wednesday for a special surprise!

Tori <3

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  1. I love the outfit! Sounds like a fun weekend!

  2. It was a great weekend! Thank you so much :) Being comfy on a Saturday and spending it with a friend is the best!

  3. Great sweater and i'm loving those studded flats!!!!


  4. Thanks so much!! They are so comfy to and you can wear them with anything to jazz it up a little!! Good to hear from you!!

  5. That sweater is adorable! And I am not one of those people who wake up before the sun either! haha. I like sleeping too much!

    Ashley | Raspberry Glow

  6. aww thank you!! omgsh sleeping is one of my favorite hobbies :) can't even lie! ha! Thanks for stopping by the blog, I love hearing from people. I can't wait to check out yours :)

  7. Thank you!! I think I am going to be wearing it alot this winter :) can't wait to find some new things to pair it with!!


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