Friday, October 25, 2013

Wishes for a Wonderful Weekend!

It has been a crazy, busy week! I got to go to a murder-mystery dinner party for work where I won the Drama Queen Award (my husband got a kick outta that one ha) for Best Performance . We also had a huge building party in our office the next night! I am wiped out from too much fun (which is not really a bad thing!) :). So today I just want to wish you a wonderful weekend and to leave you with this little quote below!
Live it up this weekend :) Even if its just you... at home...watching TV in your robe... with a glass of champagne. Make it fabulous!
Tori <3
Since I am not doing an outfit sure to check out some other great bloggers through the link-up below!

Style Elixir


  1. That is awesome about the dinner party! I've never been but so cool! Congrats on the award :)

  2. Thank Rebecca!! It was a blast! If you ever get a chance to participate in on (or throw one yourself) I totally suggest it :):) Hope you had an awesome weekend!


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!