Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Feeling Pretty at a Wedding and a Link-Up!!

I am so very excited today to be Co-Hosting a Link-Up Party with Alison from Get Your Pretty On.  She has an amazing site that I look to for inspiration all the time! I knew I would like her and relate to her blog just by reading her bio, she is funny and stylish (my favorite combination!) Be sure to follow the instructions below to Link-Up and please go visit Alison's site Get Your Pretty On. I promise she doesn't disappoint!

So if you follow my blog you also were aware of my slight trouble to come up with an outfit for a wedding we attended on Saturday. I always have trouble with weddings for this time of year! I don't want to be freezing my butt off when I am walking around; and I don't want to be sweating my butt off when I am bustin' a move on the dance floor.

Well I found this dress at Old Navy and I love it! It was perfect because I could have worn it with wedges or the boots you see me in below. I chose the boots, but I prolly should have gone with the wedges because my dance moves were on fire...and so was my body temperature (like they say hind sight is 20/20)!

My husband may or may not have referred to this dress as "looking like drapery" (in a slightly joking, but not really joking kinda way ha), but let be real, hubby's sometimes have no idea about fashion! What do you think? Is this too much of a throwback to something your grandma would wear? Or do you love the floral patterns and free flowing dresses of the fall season? It has got my vote as an A+. I felt pretty and feminine in it (which is what dressing should be all about). Next time I will try it belted at the waist and with some wedges! I love outfits that have endless styling possibilities!

**Thanks Steven for the photo-bomb :) You got us!**

{Dress: Old Navy} {Bracelets: Groopdealz Similar}
{Boots: Charlotte Russe Love These Ones}

One of the themes on this blog will always be to wear what makes you feel great! No matter your shape, size, age, or style...just be you! I am a big believer that if you feel good about yourself on the inside, that your beauty will radiate to the outside! (Corny, but true!) That is one of the reasons I love this Link-Up. Link what makes you feel pretty!

  I Feel Pretty
{Via: GYPO}
 There are just a few simple rules:
1. Follow Fashion, Bling and other Girly Things. (Bloglovin')
2. Follow my co-host Alison (Facebook, Twitter, Bloglovin')
3. Link up your pretty post.
4. Link back to my blog (using the button above or your own link).
5. Visit other pretty peeps.


  1. Oh I think this dress is perfect for fall!

  2. Thank you girl!! I agree :) I just loved wearing it!!

  3. Love that dress - you look so cute, Tori!

    Stilettos & Sequins

  4. Thank you!! Thanks so much for taking the time to check out my blog!!

  5. Hi there, doll! Such a cute dress- and I adore it with the boots. :)

    Have a great Wednesday! Keep in touch!


  6. Thank you so much girl!! The boots were sooo comfy even if they did make me a little hott when I was dancing :):) I will def keep in touch and follow your blog!!
    Have a great day :)

  7. I love your dress! The floral print is beautiful, and the boots make it so fall appropriate!

    I love your blog, would you like to follow each other?


  8. That dress is so lovely on you! What a pretty print!

  9. Thank you so much! I am glad you like the floral! It is one of my fall favorites :) I just checked out your blog and am totally going to follow you! thank you for commenting and I am so glad we can follow eachother! Keep in touch!

  10. Aww thanks Kristin!! I am so glad you called it a pretty print and not "gma's drapery" :) Silly husbands!! Thanks so much for commenting and stopping by!!

  11. You are so cute! Love that dress!!

  12. You look lovely... I love floral printed dresses, they're so feminine and pretty. :)

    xo, Abby @ Always, Abby

  13. You are so sweet to say that!! Thanks for stopping by the blog An! I love hearing comments from fellow fashionistas!

  14. That is exacally how I felt in it!! Thank you so much for the sweet comment :):) I can't wait to check out your blog! Thank you so much for checking out mine!!

  15. I'm honored to have you co-hosting today, Tori! That dress is SO cute! I love it paired up with the tall boots for a fall wedding.

  16. Alison! I was so happy I got to be a part of your link-up! I had a blast! You have a great blog and great followers!! Thank you so much!!

  17. I absolutely love that dress! It's such a pretty color on you! Love how you paired it with the boots! New follower :)

    Life as a Waterleaf

  18. Thank you!! It was so comfy to be dancing in some boots versus heels that I usually wear to a wedding :):) I am excited to check out your blog! I will def become a follower...I so appreciate you reading and following my blog!

    Hope you had a great weekend!


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!