Monday, November 11, 2013

Mexico Getaway

Ahhh it feels so good to be back!! After almost 10 days of not blogging, I was missing it terribly! I guess this is a fantastic sign of how much I love working on this site :). 

First off though, it is Veterans Day today, so I just want to take a quick moment to thank all of those out there who have risked their lives for this country and our freedom. It means more to me than you will every know!

We got back from Mexico on Friday and we had the most amazing time!! Although the weather wasn't totally ideal, we had mostly nice days (but I am lacking the fabulous golden brown tan I was hoping for ha). The resort we stayed at was beautiful and houses all kind of animals, and as my friends can attest, I am an animal addict! We mainly just relaxed and sat by the pool, ate a ton of food, and I got treated to a spa day by the hubs! It was exactly the kind of vacation we both needed. I couldn't have had a better time, well unless I had gotten that tan that I mentioned earlier :). 

{ Spent the night drinking wine under the stars..super romantic!}

{The resort featured Mayan Ruins and a burial ground, which my husband loved, but it freaked me out ha}

{The humidity hates my hair, they fought the whole trip!}

{Just a few of my favorite animals}

You all will have to forgive me for the lack of outfit pictures! I was too scared to take my good camera with me (mainly because I am the worlds biggest klutz) so I only had my tablet and my iPod, which ironically I broke ha (see what I mean about being klutzy!), and as you can tell the quality is only so-so. Next time though I am taking the risk because there were so many beautiful sights down there and I regret not having it with me!

How was every one's week?? I really missed my blogging community! 

I really would love to hear from you all via comments or personally through It would be great to hear suggestion and advice, or just catch up on some girl talk!! When you find something you are passionate about doing, it is great to have people there helping and cheering you on and that passion is truly what I seem to be finding in blogging! There are so many of the blogs out there I look to for inspiration because you fashionistas are all so wonderful!

Thanks for stopping by!

Tori <3

1 comment:

  1. This looks like such a fun vacation! Great pics! My hair dies crazy things with humidity too!


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!