Friday, November 1, 2013

Smiles for Days

I am going to be honest with you guys...last week was really kind of a rough one for me. Nothing was terrible, just long hours at work and lots of not so fun stuff (aka laundry and cleaning) to do when I got home. This week though....this week put a smile on my face! After some much needed sleep, 12 hrs on a Saturday night to be exact, I felt rested and ready to tackle this week and it was a great one! The weather warmed up for what I am sure is our Indian Summer, but I will take it! I got a present of an owl candle holder from Yankee Candle (trust me, I know I have a problem ha) and it just reminded me that people out there can be so nice, sweet, and thoughtful just because they want to be. 

Also I got to view a video of the power of photo-shop and it made me sad that it is used how it is in magazines and such these days. I have been recovered from an eating disorder for almost 5 years now and the pressures girls have on them today to fit an ideal image is almost unattainable by any healthy means! Women are so much more than their weight or perfect skin, and perfectly decorated house. So seeing the video and how unrealistic photos can truly be, it makes me want to celebrate being a woman and having flaw and being A-OK with it! I hope women take the time to look at videos like that and say, hey everyone has things they would change, so love who you are because perfection is totally boring!

{Sweater: Limited Cute} {Necklace and Earrings: NY&Co.(old) Want}
{Sunglasses: Aldo} {Purse: TJ Maxx On Sale!}

I have worn these sunglasses in multiple posts, but I don't think I have totally raved yet at how FABULOUS they truly are!! I was obsessing (OK, OK drooling) over a pair very similar by Karen Walker, but they were very pricey. Here is my problem with sunglasses, I lose or sit on them at least monthly if not weekly! So when I saw these at Aldo at a much more reasonable price for my sunglasses smashing rear-end, I had to snag them up! I have been super careful and am happy to report they are still in tack!  

O and in case you all forgot, this is my last day of work before vacation!! In 3 days Mexico better watch out, because I am going to be headed your way!!

What made you smile this week?? I would love to hear about it and celebrate some good times with you!

Thanks for reading,

Tori <3

Linking up with:


  1. I think I may have seen the same video! It was unreal how much they edited. She didn't even look like the same person!

  2. It really is crazy how it doesn't even look like the same person! It is sad to because the girl is beautiful without all that crazy change being made!! I hope your vaca is going well :):)

  3. Cute sweater and I'm totally digging that bag too! I know what you mean about photoshop.. it's depressing! I just have to keep reminding myself that it's important to recognize what is real and what is not! :)
    Nikki at

  4. Cute outfit. I totally know what you mean about having a rough week. I've been working so much lately and I totally know what you mean. Hope you had a chance to relax this weekend. Thank you for linking up. See you Thursday.


  5. I love your top! It looks amazing on you! I think I saw that same video about photoshop. I thought the girl looked prettier before all the editing! It's sad that fake images produced by the media lead women and young girls to feel bad about themselves.

    Life as a Waterleaf

  6. I totally agree Nikki!! Gotta keep everything in perspective!! I have enjoyed reading your blog and becoming a new follower! Thanks so much for commenting...have a great weekend!!

  7. Thanks so much Pipa!! I am so glad you stopped by!!

  8. Thanks Agi!! I will be back this Thursday!! I was in Mexico and the Wi-fi was iffy :( But I am excited to get back at blogging this week!! Hope you had a lovely week and are enjoying your weekend!!

  9. Sierra I totally agree she looked better before!! So sad when we make girls think that isn't good enough!! Being real is what is beautiful :):) Thanks so much for stopping by! I have so been enjoying following your blog...u are adorable!! Have a nice weekend!

  10. OMG a banker AND super cute?!? You defy all stereotypes!! Love this outfit and love your blog too Tori!!

  11. Oh that is a cute outfit!

  12. Aww Thanks Mandi!! I appreciate the comment! :) Have a wonderful day!

  13. haha I would like to think so!! The guys at work always give me a hard time about my fashion choices, but now I have even got them to step out of the banker box and wear some funky socks etc. :) Thanks so much for stopping by!! Have a great day :)


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!