Monday, December 30, 2013

Bring on the Leather Leggings...and 2014!

 {Leather Leggings: Wet Seal Similar} {Sweater: Charlotte Russe (not online) Adorbs!}
{Necklace: Charlotte Russe} {Earrings: Old Perfection}
{Boots: Old Need These}
Omgsh I can't believe how fast this holiday season has flown by!! I took the week off to enjoy it with my family and friends, but man I really missed the blogging world!

Did you all have a great Christmas--outfits all picked out for New Years?? I had a crazy holiday--very nontraditional--but very special!! I will be posting holiday pictures and stories later this week!

I had to get in one last trend before the year turned! I decided to brave a pair of leather leggings! They are all over the fashion world this year and I go ga-ga over them everytime I see someone wearing them. But this girl has got some junk in the trunk and just wasn't quite sure I could pull it off.

I am making 2014 all about taking chances and staying true to myself--so I figured since I liked them--they were coming home with me!! I LOVE them (that is love--in all caps!). I wore them with a longer sweater to make them a little more modest and cover up the behind just a tad :). Pair that with a chunky necklace and a top-knot and it felt funky, yet sophisticated! This outfit, and the leggings, will for sure be repeated a lot this year!

What do you all think?? Leather Leggings--Yay or Nay?

Thanks for stopping by :)

Tori <3

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Monday Mingling, Totally Posted Tuesday, Style Sessions
still being [molly]


  1. Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my blog!
    I love yours too! This look is great! I have been obsessed with tribal print sweaters lately!
    Have a great new year!

    The Style Storm
    <3, Christina

  2. I love leather leggings, they're great!


  3. Nice post)) Would you like to follow each other? Just let me know in my blog. xoxo

  4. LOVE them! I keep eyeing them on different sites for myself, but haven't taken the plunge yet! Might have to soon! Whole outfit is totes adorbs!!

  5. This holiday season has gone so fast! I can't believe NYE is tomorrow! Love this look on you, those leather leggings are great.

    <3 Vicki

  6. I love the sweater! I haven't been able to find a printed sweater just yet but I am hopeful. Leggings are my favorite, I wish I could wear them everyday!

  7. Dang girl, you be rockin' those shaping leggings!

  8. Can't believe it's the last year of 2013 , it went SO fast . Bang , these leggings are awesome.
    Found you on Karly's blog , excited to read along :)

  9. I love how you styled your leather leggings! I have a pair and seriously love them. I love the idea of wearing them with gray boots!!

  10. I'm so in love with this outfit. You hear leather leggings and immediately think tattoos and biker bar haha. I really like that you've managed to pull of a really cute casual but sexy outfit


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!