Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Pining for Pins--New Years 2013 Edition

It is 2014!! I cannot believe I am even saying that! I can remember being about 12 and feeling like I was never ever ever going to be 16--old enough to drive--and now I have been driving for 10 years!!  My goal this year is to live in the moment I am in and enjoy all 2014 has to offer. It is going to be a great year--I can feel it! No, those aren't my psychic powers coming into play--but instead my faith in God and my faith that this year I really feel anything is possible!

I hope you all had a marvelous NYE and are now recovering from the holiday season and chowing down on some pork and sauerkraut--or is that an Ohio tradition?? Either way I hope you are enjoying it with good food and good company.

Here are some of my Fashion Wishes for 2014! Here is to hoping they all come true :)

{My dream outfit for next NYE--girls gotta plan ahead!}


{Hoping leopard as a neutral never goes out of style}


{Getting a Hounds-tooth Vest is high on my wish list--hint hubs!}


{Would love to have some cute shoes to motivate me to get my tushy to the gym--along with all the other people doing the same for their NY Resolutions}


{Two words-- Hunter Boot and Hott Pink...enough said!}


{Maybe chop my hair of into a cut sassy cut?? You never know!}


I have so much inspiration for 2014 and most of it is due to all your support and comments and love you all have shown me on this new blogging journey! So Thank you, Thank you, for showing me that dreams can come true--all you have to do is dive in and give it a try!

Have a fabulous day and a even more fabulous 2014!

Tori <3


  1. I am stealing the first outfit, I don't know for what occasion maybe my birthday in Feb, but its fantastic and need to have it in my wardrobe. Thank you for some style inspiration, love the hair too but have a sneaking suspicion my hair ain't never gonna look like that ha! Happy New Year honey xx


  2. I am in love with that first outfit!! I need that skirt in my life!

  3. Lovely pictures!
    Keep in touch!
    Hope you can join my 2 international giveaways:


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!