Monday, December 16, 2013

Instagood Reasons I love the Season

Another weekend of the winter season has come and gone, but there is so much fun stuff happening and so many things I am thankful for. 

I thought I would share some pictures from my Instagram to show you all the reason I love this time of year :). You can follow me on Instagram by clicking HERE!

 {Road trip to Amish Country with the hubby, even if it was a snowstorm ha}

{Leather Skirt to work from the Limited and Chunky Scarf from Old Navy and Sweater from LOFT}

{Stockings hung with care, although we have no fireplace ha}

{My very domestic sissy cooking us Thanksgiving at my Grandparents}

{Spending time with my little one even when she wasn't feel well}

{Time with friends always makes my heart happy}

{Leopard, Sparkles, and Pink....enough said :)}

I am one very blessed girl and it is my goal in the New Year to take more time to notice all the small things in my life that are so great. I want to be more appreciative in 2014...who is with me??

What do you love about this season??

Have a great Monday!
Tori <3
Linked up with:
still being [molly]
Glossy Blonde
Elizabeth Nygard + LYL Link Up
A Girl and Her Sparkles


  1. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Great photos!
    Now following you! :)

    The Style Storm
    <3, Christina

  2. You have cute instagram photos. Love the dog one so much. There is so much to be thankful for.
    Have a great Christmas.

  3. Can I tell you how obsessed I am with the Pink, Sparkle, and Leopard!


  4. Such a fun post idea! And, as with everyone, I am loving the leopard, sparkle and pink photo!

  5. Aww thank you! It has to be one of my favorite combinations :) Thank you so much for stopping by and your sweet comment! Have a wonderful night!

  6. You and me both!! I just love it , I actually tried to get my hubs to let me do a bathroom in that combo, but I got denied ha :) Thank you so much!! I hope your having a great week!

  7. Thank you so much!! That little dog and her brother are my whole heart! There is so many things to be thankful for and if we take the time to notice all of them it makes this season even more amazing and special! I enjoy following you on instagram! You have great photos!! Thanks for stopping by the blog!!

  8. I have been loving your blog!! You have given me some great inspiration already :) I am so glad you stopped by and followed :) That is so sweet of you! Have an awesome week girl!


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!