Friday, December 13, 2013

My poor little pug!

{Sweater, Scarf, Shoes: Old Navy} {Jeans: American Eagle}
{Earrings: Body Central}

Did you ever have one of those days where you are to exhausted to write anything?? This is one of them. My poor little Gemma was sick for a few days, she is finally perking up and feeling better. However, her mommy--an over anxious woman--is wiped out!!

My husband laughs that I worry so much about our dogs--and it might be silly, but they are like my babies! Can I get an AMEN from any dog lovers out there?? 

So I am just going to leave you with a few outfit photos! Sorry for the poor quality, but I just snapped a few on my phone while I had that chance. I mean it really has been one of those weeks :)

Have a wonderful week everyone! I will be spending mine in Amish country celebrating Christmas with the hubby's side of the family. I will be much more relaxed and ready to tackle this blog when I return.

Tori <3


  1. Our pup is like my baby too! I am glad she is feeling better!

  2. I totally understand what you mean about worrying about your dogs! I'm scared it's indicative of how I'll be as a real parent. My husband makes fun of me for how much I worry about them. hah.

  3. I know what you mean by "one of those weeks"...hope next week is better!!

  4. Glad to hear you pup is feeling better!!

  5. Amen! My dog has arthritis and I worry about him soo much =/

  6. Amen! I am glad your little one is feeling better
    xo Jessica

  7. aww thank you so much!! she is back to her old self :) Hope you had a great weekend!

  8. O man! it is so hard not to worry about them! I'm sure you are such a great dog momma tho and he is so lucky to have you there to worry for him :)

  9. Thanks so much! huge relief for me :) Hope you had an awesome weekend!!

  10. Ready to tackle this one head on :) and then the next week is Christmas!! Hope you have a great one!

  11. haha o my hubby thinks its so hilarious and you are sooo right about the whole actually being a parents thing ha that is why i think we will wait a while...I am not sure my nerves could handle it yet :)

  12. Thank you!! your pup is sooo stinking cute too!! Hope you had a fabulous weekend girl!


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!