Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Jessica Simpson

Major Girl Crush Alert!! I have loved Jessica Simpson ever since her days as a Newlywed. I may or may not own all the seasons on DVD (guilty pleasure). We won't go into details on how I may have worn black the whole week I heard of the divorce, but I digress! I think she is just adorable and love that she is herself all the time. She is goofy and silly, and gains weight like a normal person does during pregnancy--Hallelujah!. Not to mention, she is totally gorgeous and I LOVE her style!
Her line of clothing, shoes, etc, etc, etc. are always some of my favorites of the season!! This sweater is an example of a staple piece I like to have in my closet. I love the mixing of the different yarns to form a very subtle pattern and it is literally sooo soft to the touch! I dressed it down a little here by throwing on my glasses and some comfy, stretchy jeans.

{Sweater: Jessica Simpson} {Jeans: Old Navy}{Watch: Michael Kors}
{Boots: Last Season Love} {Lipstick: Milani- Uptown Mauve}
The night I wore this there was literally a snow storm going on here in the cold state of Ohio. I didn't really want to venture out because I am terrified of driving in the "s" word, but hubby agreed to drive. We had a lovely time at his mother's retirement dinner. It was held at a winery by our home that was lite up with wonderful twinkle lights on every tree. The trees were snow covered and the moonlight shown down on them making it glisten. It was such a beautiful sight!
I am truly in the Christmas spirit! It has hit me like a lighting bolt! It started with chopping down the tree this weekend and hasn't stopped. I have been decorating and shopping up a storm!! My hubs is the hardest to buy for though!!
Who has good idea's for a man who hates clothes and well-- anything else I know anything about?! haha Suggestions NEEDED!!
Hope you all have a great Wednesday!!
Tori <3
 Got myself a button :):) Feel like a real blogger now!!
Please feel free to Grab would mean the world to me!
Thanks Fashionistas!

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Linked up with:

All Things Thursday Link Party



  1. Oh I don't have any of her pieces, but I apparently need to! Love!

  2. I, too, love Jessica Simpson!! Your sweater looks so comfy. And I love the shape of your glasses. They look great on you. Thanks for linking up.


  3. Thank you! She is awesome! Def check out her stuff!! I also think it always just fits so well :)
    Have a great weekend girl!

  4. Thank you so much! I loved checking out your site and will def be joining the link up again! Thanks again for reaching out! Have an awesome weekend!!


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!