Friday, December 6, 2013

Christmas Spirit

The beauty of the season can be seen all around us right now. It is in the smiling faces of the children on Santa's lap. It is on the snow covered tree's and the bright shiny lights covering all the houses on the street. It is in the kind words of strangers wishing you a Merry Christmas and the ringing of the bell's on the corner to donate to those in need.
I love to shop--to give and receive gifts, but it is so important to take the time to really recognize the reason for the season and to spend time and appreciate the ones we love.
In my world, Jesus truly is the reason we celebrate Christmas and for a shopaholic like me, that can be easy to overlook in a time of mass consumerism. I am going to take extra time this year to really focus on God and his blessings and the people around me that make Christmas so very special!
"But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord." Luke 2:10,11

I was so blessed to be able to go cut down a Christmas Tree with my hubby's family. The day was gorgeous and I even got a little down and dirty and helped carry the tree out! (this is saying a lot considering I had on my brand-new coat ha but totally worth it!) It is our first live one and already Gemma loves to drink the water out of the tree stand ha! But it is beautiful and makes my home feel so cozy and full of love.

I hope you don't let the madness of the season totally cover your Christmas joy--take the time to enjoy it, recongize what it means, and love the people you get to spend it with!

Thank you for stopping by & enjoy your weekend!

Tori <3
Linked up with:
Style Elixir


  1. Your tree is so pretty! Love it and the huge ornaments!

  2. Thanks girl! The bigger and sparklier (word? prolly not ha) the better!!

  3. Lovely and festive, love your shades too-you look so cute! Would love you to link up to #fashionfriday

  4. So pretty!! I've always wanted to cut down my own Christmas tree!! Although there aren't many places to do that in FL :(

    <3 Shannon

  5. That blue parka looks great on you :)
    Visiting from Friday’s Fab Favorites link up!

    xo, tasha
    twenty-something blog
    Enter to Win a $30 Four Seasons Accessories Giveaway!

  6. Thanks Jessica!! It was a blast! Hope you enjoyed your weekend!

  7. aww boo!! You def need to experience it sometime!! It would actually be more fun in the warmth ha I was freezing my tushy off!! Hope you had an awesome weekend!


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!