Monday, December 9, 2013

The one time I wore the wrong pants!

{Sweater: MainStream Boutique (local shop by our house!)}
{Jeggings: old On Sale!} {Watch: NY&Co. Similar}
{Boots: Charlotte Russe} {Bracelet:[Groopdealz]}

OK, here is the deal--Brent surprised me with a date night by taking me to a brand new restaurant in town on Friday night. I was HANGRY (hungry/angry--not a good combo) so I wanted to get ready really fast so we could get out the door and go get our grub on!

Well, I just happen to be a person that if I like an article of clothing, sometimes I will buy it in multiple colors. This was the case with these jeggings. Well I wore these out that night, snapped some outfit photos, etc. and all the while feeling great.

Jump to Saturday morning, when I am going to throw my pants in the wash. I had accidentally worn my navy blue pair instead of the black ones!! I had been mismatched all night and didn't even notice! Ahh I am officially getting old and losing my eyesight apparently! 

So please forgive these pictures and pretend that the pants I have on are black and not navy will you?? You all are the best :)

Happy Monday!!
Tori <3

Linked up with:
still being [molly]Southern Sunflowers & Coffee Beans


  1. such a cute sweater! I love the pattern! found you from monday mingling! (: happy monday!

  2. You are so cute! I kind of like it with the blue!


  3. Until you posted the close up picture, I totally didn't even notice that the pants were navy, so no worries :) But I feel ya, I accidentally wore a navy tank top (instead of black) last week and even though you couldn't see it, it still annoyed me.

    Unrelated, I'm really debating cutting my bangs similar to yours. They look really cute on you. I always WAY overthink everytime I want to make the smallest change to my hairstyle.

  4. LOVE that you say hangry...!! I keep a granola bar with me at all times - hangry creeps up fast!! :)

    Happy Monday, Tori!!

  5. It sure does....and ain't nobody got time for that!! :):) Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Have a great nite :)

  6. O I am so glad to hear that this stuff does not just happen to me ha!!
    Omgsh I think it would look so cute on you! Although I am a huge fan of bangs, I don't that they are ever a bad choice--although I know some people disagree :). The great thing about my bangs are they can be pinned back, so if you didn't like them you could def. have that as an option! My vote is-- Go for it :):)

  7. Well see then sometimes mistakes can be a good thing :):) Thanks for stopping by! Have an awesome nite girl!

  8. I can't wait to check out your blog! Thank you for stopping by and commenting, I love meeting and following new people from link-ups!! Have a great night :)

  9. This is too funny! You look great anywas :) I and definitely understand the hangry!

  10. Crisis averted... I just thought you were wearing dark wash jeggings :) The other day I looked in the mirror and realized I had a silver earring in one ear and a gold one in the other. Lesson learned: don't buy the same pair of earrings in two different metals unless I pay more attention before wearing them. :) Whitney

  11. CUTE cardigan! Love the crosses paired with grey!

    The Retail Therapist

  12. Girrlll my hubby knows to watchhh out if I start to get hangry :) haha

  13. Omgsh you are right, they kind of do look like dark-wash! Ha ...I feel ya, sometimes I just don't have time to pay attention to all the details, but it is always good for a laugh, which is A-ok with me :) Thank you for stopping by and reading!! Have an awesome week!

  14. Thank you so much!! Thanks for stopping by! I love the name of your blog, I can't wait to check it out!! Have a great week!

  15. you know, i think it still works well regardless. i would have been clueless that they were wrong if you hadn't said anything. so good job because i think it looks just fine! :)


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!