Monday, January 20, 2014

3 of My Favorite Things: Pugs, Fur, and Photos

{This may be my all time favorite picture in the history of pictures}

{Vest: Wet Seal (not online) Fur LOVE} {Shirt: Target So cute} {Boots: Charlotte Russe Similar}
{Jeans: DayTrip from Buckle} {Necklace: Express Adorbs}

Good Morning Fashionistas!

I had such a great weekend! I got to finally see my friend, who is living in New York, and is having a baby in 5 weeks!! I had a friend who turned 28 and we got to have a great celebration (we are getting old, but more fabulous by the year!). And, I got to do a photo shoot with a very cool photographer! 

I never started blogging because I, by any mean thought I was--or wanted to become--a model! I just love love love clothes :). So when Mike Geig-said photographer- asked me if I would be interested in doing this-- I was super excited, but super nervous! I am not great in front of the camera, but I really feel like pictures are so important to a blog--and what did I have to lose--so I agreed! 

It was so fun and he took the time to explain my camera to me even more so that when my hubs is taking my photos they can be a better quality picture! I felt like I learned so much and had a blast!! I had to get the pugs in on the photo shoot as well--although they are even worse at modeling than myself! Total Divas--only would model for treats! They are lucky they are so stinkin' cute!

If any other bloggers out there have posing, photo, or any other kinda of tips to make pictures better for fashion blogging I would love to hear them!! 

O and the outfit-- fur, plaid, bling, and boots--enough said :).

Have a fabulous Monday!


  1. You are so stinkin' cute in these pictures! Love the outfit and everything. I kind of want a vest like that now. :)

  2. I absolutely love fur vests! Such cute pictures!

  3. Glad you like them. Made my job easy!

  4. Tori you look so cute!! I love that vest and that picture of you and your dogs is seriously the cutest thing ever!

  5. Love the fur vest with the plaid! Your pictures look great!

    Life as a Waterleaf

  6. I always love when you post pics of the pugs! And you look cute too :)

  7. Your hair is PERFECT! Love this fur vest too - so glam!

    Jenna from Visions of Vogue

  8. The photos are look absolutely fab! Stopping by from Paige's link up..

  9. I think your photos look gorgeous! I've found that standing with one foot behind the other and hand on the hip is very flattering for full body, also, experiment with angles (of the camera, your face, body, etc).
    Glad I found your blog, new follower via BlogLovin :)
    Miche from Buttons and Birdcages

  10. this look is so perfect!

    xoxo from rome


  11. So adorable! Love that fur vest and of course your pugs are the like the cutest things ever! Such models!

    <3 Shannon

  12. Love that fur vest and plaid shirt. They look so cute together. The colors are very pretty. I've been looking for a fur vest for a while. Might check out wet seal.

  13. Such a fun photo shoot! Your pugs are ADORABLE and I'm loving that fur! Thanks for linking up with Stylish Tuesday!

    xo, Paige

  14. I feel the same way about posing for photos. I do better when it's me and my tripod. I have more personality. However, my husband does a far better job capturing the outfit. I don't know why but I'm shy around my husband when it comes to photographing me. Lol


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!