Friday, January 17, 2014

Warby Parker Part 3- Sunnies

{Sunnies #1: Raskin by Warby Parker}

{Sunnies #2: Jules by Warby Parker

{Sunnies #3: Mabel by Warby Parker}

{Vest: Old Navy} {Watch: Fossil Similar} {Bracelet: LOFT}
{Earrings: Express  {Sweater: J. Crew Cardi Style}

I have had such a fun week getting to show you some of Warby Parker's different eye-wear! If you missed the first two post you can find them HERE and HERE. I have fallen in love with their style and what their brand stands for! I am going to cave in a buy a pair :).

Today I am featuring their sunglasses! I would have loved to take these photos outside--but mother nature hates me this week. Anyone down south looking for a roommate?? I don't cook or clean very well, but I have all the best shows saved on my DVR--that important in a roommate right?! Ha OK so I am not sure the hubby would appreciate me up and moving on him--but seriously I am ready for some warm weather and sunshine!

Since I had to do this little photo shoot inside I wore the brightest outfit I could--I think it is fitting since I am wearing some very cute pairs of sunnies :) Their sunnies are all adorable and they come in a lot of different shapes and sizes to choose from--which I think is super important when picking a pair of quality sunnies--every girl at needs at least one pair they are careful not to accidentally sit on!

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend--it is supposed to snow here--shocking I know! I have one besties baby shower and another besties birthday party so bring it on weekend--I am ready :)

**This is NOT a sponsored post, I choose to feature this company on the blog because I totally believe in the great concept behind the brand--and all thoughts and opinions of my own.


  1. I love the color combo of pink & green!!!! And those earrings are so cute!!!!


  2. Warby Parker has sunglasses too?!?! I love the first ones!!

  3. Love the color combo of your outfit and those sunnies are awesome!!

  4. You look absolutely pretty <33


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!