Friday, January 3, 2014

Infinity Scarf and Hippie Headband

{Turtleneck: Limited} {Necklace: Limited Similar}
{Scarf: Stand in the mall? ha Love/Save} {Shoes: Old Navy}
{Pants: Target Similar}
Well I tried out a new hair style--one that looks totes adorbs on a lot of people--but I am not one of them ha. I just don't feel like the whole hippie headband is my style--but I will try anything once!

On a better note, I can't seem to get enough of infinity scarves this year! I like this one because it is super long. I left it only around my neck so it hung open and I could wear a statement necklace with it--giving it a new feel! The wild colors of the scarf against a black simple turtleneck is an easy way to dress up the wardrobe staple.

Did you all have a good New Years?? Mine was awesome--spent with the hubs, family, and friends! I have four goal this year--not resolutions though because I never seem to have the willpower to carry those through! I mean last years--work out three days a week for a year--lasted well...about a week ha!

1.Put God First in my Life--Always!
2.See and Love the Good in Others
3.See and Love the Good in Myself
4.Take Risks without Fear!

I feel like if I can accomplish these I am on my way to a happy and healthier future!

So NEW BLOG DESIGN premiers today...what do you all think?? Still working on the layout and how things differ a little from my old template --so thank you for being patient with me--but I just love the new clean look :)

Have an awesome Friday--and if you are getting hit with all this snow--Stay Safe!

Linked up with:
What I am Loving Friday's, Friday's Fab Favorites, All Things Thursday


  1. This. Is. Adorable. I think you pull the headband off great! Love it girly!

  2. I love the scarf. It is a beautiful print and colour scheme. All the best for the new year.

  3. i think the headband looks cute on you! loving the mustard pants. i'm also trying to pursue #4 as one of my new year's resolutions. it's not easy!!


  4. Love your scarf! The colors are beautiful!


  5. Love all the sparkly gold!! Your outfit is darling!! The bright colors, long scarf AND statement necklace and mustard pants. This look should be on repeat :) Happy New Year!! Whitney @ Polka-Dotty Place

  6. I think you look super cute with the headband, but I can relate to what you're saying... I think it poofs my hair way too much and I just can't go with it... oh well! ;)

    I love the long infinity scarf... I've been wearing mine open like that lately too, just for something different. I will trying pairing it with a statement necklace, too- that's a great idea!

    xo Always, Abby

  7. I look silly with a hippy headband, I feel your pain. I love your infinity scarf though! The print is lovely.

    <3 Vicki

  8. Love your infinity scarf, especially matched with those pants and necklace! Stunning! I really enjoy your blog so far and would love to follow each other--please join my GFC and I'll follow you right back!

    xo Jess

  9. You remind me of a character from the Help, (the book!). I love your style

  10. Oh, and jealous you call pull off colored pants

  11. Love the mustard pants! Dying for some!
    So cute!

    The Retail Therapist

  12. I just recently found your blog and love your style! This outfit is so pretty and fun and really complements you well:-)
    Would appreciate it if you viewed my blog and gave feedback!
    The Penniless Prada Project


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!