Monday, July 6, 2015

Diva Status

{Shirt: Express LOVE} {Pants: Old Navy} {Shoes: Wet Seal Identical only $5!}
{Sunnies: Aldo NEED} {Clutch: Francescas Similar}
Happy Monday Y'all!!
I had a four day weekend that was spent in NY having a blast with some of my besties and it is hard to get back into the swing of things!
I also apologize for my absense all last week--life has been crazy to say the least (come back Wednesday and I will be explaining it all then!).
So short and sweet today--Geno is the cutest dog ever, he is a total diva--and apparently, when we let him roam outside the fence (while his sissy has to stay in it because she is a runaway houdini that has escape the yard many times), he is too busy pretending he is king of the castle, and doesn't want to take any photos with his momma

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