Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Unstuck--A Gossip Sesh

Well if you read my post on Monday, you know that life has been a little hectic to say the least. But, it has all been for a very good and exciting reason--this girl has decided to start a new job--and I begin on Monday.

It was a super hard, super stressful decision--one that I didn't take lightly. I am the queen of indecision and second guessing myself.

I am currently with a company I love and work with a great team of people, but my job wasn't challenging me and I wasn't able to move up in the direction I wanted. Also, I am realizing that being comfortable and being happy are two totally different things.

So, I am stepping out of my little bubble of comfort and trying something new. I will still be in the banking world, but on the mortgage end of it, and I could not be more thrilled to learn some different!

So what does this mean for my blog?! I have NO idea--my new job will most likely be more time consuming, and I am sure at the beginning will be energy draining. So bear with me as I learn to juggle it all!

This little spot is so special to me, and fashion is something I live for. Yes, clothes are just material items, but when you can put on an outfit and it makes you feel confident, creative, and sassy--there is some part about it that is just good for the soul.

So for a while my posts may be more sporadic, and I may not be as active in the blog-o-sphere--but, I will still be reading all your post and posting on IG like crazy I am sure --->>>Follow Me (shameless plug ha!).

I am taking Amanda's post to heart, and would love to hear any other suggestions all you other working bloggers have about balancing it all!


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