Monday, November 18, 2013

InstaGood Feelings on a Monday

Good Morning Fellow Fashionistas and Sparkle lovers :) 
I live in the state of Ohio, where this time of year it can be a blizzard or we could have sunshine, or like last night...a tornado warning!! I don't know what mother nature is thinking, but I feel like me and her need to have a little sit down. Toss in the bad weather with it getting dark so early now I haven't had a lot of good opportunities to get quality outfit pictures! Boo not a happy camper with that, but something I do when I am wanting to cheer myself up is look back on my old Instagram or Facebook photos. It always reminds me of good times and some of my favorite outfits!!

So this Monday I thought would be perfect to share some of my favorite pictures with my favorite readers :) I hope you enjoy...

{Some of my favorite Owl Decor} 

{My favorite wall in my bedroom with a picture of my little Gemma}

{Shirt from Express and Necklace from NY&Co.}

{Shirt from Tobi and Necklace from Francesca's}

{Shirt from Loft and Shoes from Kohls}

 {Arm Candy from Groopdealz}

{One of my favorite cut out shirts from F21}

Everyone please follow me on Instagram!!
Hope you all have a great Monday and stay warm, dry, or cozy by a fire :)

Tori <3

Don't forget to check out GroopDealz, it is one of my favorite places to get inexpensive boutique finds!!


  1. I have that same dress from Tobi - isn't the color just great! We had a tornado warning in IN last night too, so weird for November. I love your bracelets and all the owls! I am obsessed with birds!

  2. Those tornado warnings were nuts yesterday! I'm just glad we're both safe!

    I hear ya' about it getting dark too early and not being able to get outfit pictures in. I've been having the same situation --the boyfriend and I's schedules just aren't working out together with the time change :/ Love your Instagram pics! What kind of dog you have? Kind of looks like a pug-- I have two (technically, three) and they are my whole world :)


    Because I'm Obsessed

  3. It is seriously one of my very favorite dresses!! I wish i had it in more colors ha! The weather cannot make up its its like 20 degrees here! I am glad to hear you are safe I know the storms got back in IN!! Birds are adroable too!!!
    Have a great day :)

  4. Omgsh yes! So very glad to hear you stayed safe, it got really nasty out there!!
    Getting this outfit picks is going to be the death of me ha! Its so hard and yes my husband works totally different hours than me so it can be a challenge, and I am just not thrilled with using a tri-pod, but I might have to make that work as much as I can on my lunch breaks ha!
    Omgshhh you have 3 pugs!! I need to see pictures!! I have two and they are like my whole heart! I love those little puppies to death...Geno is 3 and Gemma just turned one and she is deaf, but you would never know it! She is totally smart and ornery and always beating Geno up ha!
    Have a great day!

  5. Love all of the owl decorations. I am obsessed with owl. Also great arm candy.


  6. Thank you that is very sweet :) I can't seem to get enough of the owls! :) haha my hubbys thinks im a little cray!

  7. Thank you! I can't wait to check out your site!! Lokks very cool :) Thank you for stopping by and commenting!! Have a great afternoon!


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!