Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Baby, Its Cold Outside

Baby, Its Cold Outside

Pull Bear navy coatWool coat / Boohoo / Fox fur coat / Wool coat / Burberry scarve/ J Crew tube scarf / Asos glove / Burberry leather glove

In honor of this cold, icy, snowy weather that seems to have taken over the month of December, I am making the most of it with this wishlist. 

If it has to be cold (not my preference!), then I want to at least be able to dress in some cute winter attire. Hope you all enjoy some of the items listed above. 

I am sending this list straight to Santa :)

Stay warm y'all!

Linked up with:
Trend Spin Link-Up
Stylish Tuesday Link-Up

Elizabeth Nygard + LYL Link Up


  1. Those are my thoughts! If I have to be miserable in the cold, I might as well at least have on a cute scarf and coat! And I love that red one! I've been wanting a red one lately but haven't found the right one (in my price range).


  2. OMG that first coat is amazing!




  3. Coats are soooo expensive too!! It always takes me forever to find one I like and by then winter is usually half over ha! But by then they are usually on sale which is a plus! The red one is by far my favorite! You will have to let me know if you find a good one!

  4. I fell in love with the first coat as well!! :) Now if only it was hanging in my real closet! Thanks for stopping by!! I so appreciate all the comments :) Have an awesome night!

  5. I need that red coat. Simply stunning! Thanks so much for linking up.


  6. Its my favorite!! :):) Thanks for hosting! I have already found some great blogs to follow and I love keeping up with yours!!


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!