Monday, January 19, 2015

Girly Girl Gone

{T-shirt: Old Navy So Cute} {Sweater: Old Navy Similar
{Shoes: Old Navy Leopard Version}{Jeans: Old Navy

I have always loved to dress up--give me some sparkle, tulle, pearls, and high heels, and I am in heaven.

Sometimes though, especially on the weekends, I just want to be comfy. Wear something over-sized. Forget the eye make-up. Screw the uncomfortable shoes. And just be effortless.

That is where an outfit like this comes in to play. I threw it on before going to see American Sniper with the hubs and some friends. Which, not to get off on a tangent, but was FANTASTIC! Anyone else see it?!

And now I am too distracted by the thought of Bradley Cooper to even talk about my outfit (sorry hubs ha!), but come on--ammiright ladies?!
Hope you all have a fabulous Monday