Thursday, January 9, 2014

Friday's are for making Statements

{Sweater: Limited} {Necklace: Limited (not online) LOVE}
{Jeans: American Eagle} {Watch: Michael Kors} {Bracelet: Charlotte Russe}

I have always been one of those girls who wants to be so self-confident and sure of myself and all the choices I make--but you know what?? It is so hard! I want to please everyone--and myself at that same time--and that is not always possible!

It is not easy to make statements and always stand up for what you believe in. I think for too long I have done what I think everyone wants or expects of me (which is silly because I only assume they expect this stuff--who knows if they really do!). So I want to start making statements--be who I am no matter what people think! There are a couple statements I want to make today:

  1. Being silly and imperfect is A-Okay! In fact, no one likes someone who   doesn't mess up every once in awhile.
  2. I can't control everything--so why try? I am going to trust in God and rely on him to lead the way.
  3. At 26, I don't have my career all figured out--not even close--and I don't have to figure it all out today.
  4. I am never going to be a size 2 by healthy means--I need to accept that and move on to much more important issues!
So since today is all about making statements--I am wearing a statement necklace! Did you like the way I just did that ha? It is from the Limited and amazing! I love this trend going on and can't wait to buy myself some statement earrings--I think those are going to be huge this year!

I paired it with a sweater that has some fun button details going down the side. The statement necklace takes this whole outfit from boring to magical all by slipping it on! Statement necklaces really are that easy--they go with everything and they make it a whole new fabulous outfit!

What are some statements you want to make today??

Have a fabulous weekend!

**Opps--to drive home the point of how no one is perfect--I accidentally posted this right away on Thursday night instead of scheduling it for Friday morning! I have the best readers so I am sure you will all forgive me :)

Linked with:
That Friday Blog HopCasual Friday'sFriday's Fab Favorites


  1. Just be you, girl! You're gorge.
    I love your necklace!

    Because I'm Obsessed

  2. Sometimes when you don't have a direction on life you find your purpose. Great outfit!


  3. lionstigersandfashionohmy.comJanuary 9, 2014 at 10:36 PM

    Love that color on you! I need to get into more colors :)



  4. Love this. I echo ALL 4 of those statements. The sooner I learn that I'm not built to be a size 2, the better. I'm totally wearing a statement necklace tomorrow :)

  5. LOVE all of those statements! As women, I think we can all relate to them! Or have related to them at one time. Thanks for reminding us that it's ok to just be ourselves! Have a blessed weekend! =)

  6. I am bad about trying to control everything too! You have great goals :) I always love your hair in your pictures! How do you get it so volumous?!

  7. You are too cute!! Love the color of this sweater and that necklace looks perfect!

    <3 Shannon

  8. Looove that necklace! I love your statements. I need to learn to accept I can't control everything too!

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  9. Love your outfits - the statement necklace, button detail on the sweater and your hair! Great look :) I also could relate to your statements. Loved the theme of being comfortable in your own skin and embracing who you were meant to be. Great themes for the new year :)


Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!