Monday, January 6, 2014

Oxblood Leggings and Leather

{Leggings: Victoria Secret (not online) Black and White Version} {Bracelets: Buckle Similar}
{Sweater: Express} {Leather Shirt: F21 Love} {Sunglass: Buckle}

Has anyone tried the leggings at Victoria Secret by PINK?? I am sure that is an overwhelming--Yes--but I am a little late on that bandwagon. Now that I have climbed aboard though, I am not going anywhere! I love their leggings, they now come in very cool and fashionable prints--aka I don't actually have to do yoga in them :)--and they are thick and warm. 

I paired them with this super cool studded leather top and my new favorite sunglasses and I braved the weather to hit up some sales at one of my favorite malls! 

Have I told you all my fear of driving on the highway?? Promise you won't judge me--but it gives me major anxiety! So you know if this girl right here drove all the way to her favorite mall--which happens to be off the highway--there were some super sales going on!!

Express jewelry got me good and my bank account is not speaking with Banana Republic after what they did to it this weekend! It was all totally worth it because I got some great items (on sale!) and I got to spend time with one of my best girlfriends---who just got back from Jamaica and was all tan and I was all jealous--but I digress!

Who else found some good sales I need to know about? :)

Have an awesome Monday Fashionistas & Thank you so much for stopping by!

Linked with:
Funday MondayLove Your Look


  1. Great look!

    The Style Storm
    <3, Christina

  2. These are ao unique! Haven't seen them before but I love them!

  3. I love them!! they look fabulous on you... I know a few folks who don't like the highway either - no biggie!

    xo Jessica

  4. You are so cute! I love this outfit.

  5. Cute leggings! I love them with the black layers :)


  6. Love this, so cute! I have driving on the highway too! Every time I have to pass a truck I have an anxiety attack!

    Lauren Elizabeth
    Petite in Pearls

  7. I haven't tried leggings with prints before! You make them look so stylish and classy.


  8. I have not tried VS leggings. I may have to give them a whirl. Love the color of the ones you are wearing. And I did some serious damage at BR too! All their clearance is 50% off right now!!! So bad, but so good!!

  9. I haven't tried VS pink leggings, but I'm going to check them our now. Thanks so much for the tip. And great job driving on the highway to the mall. We all have our own anxieties! Thanks so much for linking up to Love Your Look!



Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!