Wednesday, April 15, 2015

All Business in the Front and Party In The Back

{Pants: Express Identical} {Shirt: Piperlime Splurge} {Shoes: Kenneth Cole} {Bracelet: Loft}
Yay the work week is half way over--and this girl could not be more happy about that! It has been too nice here in Ohio to be sitting inside behind a desk--can't someone find me a job where I get paid to sit outside getting a tan while drinking margaritas and reading smutty magazine?!
A girl can dream.
This outfit totally describes my personality--the bottoms are a little wild, laid back, easy to wear, and super fun! The top is more structured and business like with the tweed trim. The top is like my "Type A" half--a perfectionist, anxiety filled, and people pleaser.
I used to think I needed to find a happy medium between my wild side and being straight laced. It seemed weird to me that someone could have two such extremes. But, I have come to love myself and who God made me to be.
I have been living by the saying that goes "Be yourself, God made you a certain way because you are the only person on this earth who can accomplish the things He has in mind".
And if this outfit is any indication--somehow it all works out :)