Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Gianni Bini Love

There is a saying that "Good Things come to those who wait".

Waiting has never been my strong suit. But, this was so the instance with this skirt. I died over it when I saw it on a blog that I follow Fash Boulevard (go visit her site, she is awesome!). I wanted to snatch this skirt up that very moment, but unfortunately it was out of my budget. However, last week I was at the mall with my mother when it caught my eye...on sale! It was like a bright spotlight shown down from heaven right on this skirt (Dramatic?Maybe...but true!). It was the right size and moooreee than the right price! SCORE!

Needless to say this skirt went home with me, even though the cold weather is coming, it will get plenty of use next summer!

{Skirt: Sold Out F21 Love!} {Shirt: F21}
{Necklace: Versona Wish List} {Purse: Limited}

I wore this when we went to try out a new restaurant that just got built in our town. It was really good food and even better wine (heck yes!). We really enjoyed ourselves and i felt like a rock star in this outfit. I highly recommend hitting some of the end of season may just find your own little gem :) 

Keeping it short today and letting the outfit speak for itself. Its just that good! And you know its true if it makes me at a loss for words...that's a rarity :) Enjoy it while it last ha!

<3 Tori


  1. Beautiful outfit! I adore your yellow skirt and the detailing of your outfit.


  2. Thank you so much!! I am in love with the skirt as well :) Thank you for commenting! I can't wait to check your site out! Have a great day!


  3. Love the necklace with that cropped long sleeve top! You look stunning... don't know if I can rock it! But you did!!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

  4. aww you are so sweet!! Thank you! and I have looked at your blog and I feel like you can totalllyyy rock it!! I have really enjoyed reading your posts!! Have an awesome Thursday!

  5. Love this look! Visiting from the linkup!
    Now following you! :)

    The Style Storm

    xo, Christina

  6. holy mother that is one fantastic skirt, love the outfit

  7. wow! you look beautiful! i love this outfit! very nice!

  8. Thank you!! That is so very sweet of you!! Thanks for stopping by!!

  9. Thank you so much!! I had my eye on this skirt forever :):) Thanks for commenting... I love hearing from people! Have a great night :)

  10. Thank you for stopping by and following!! I can't wait to read more of your blog! Have a great night :)

  11. Stopping by from the Trend Spin linkup! Can I just say...I WANT YOUR ABS! You look simply amazing!



Thank you all so much for you amazing comments and for stopping by the blog--it means the world to me. I do my very best to reply to every comment by e-mail :) Have an awesome day!