Monday, October 14, 2013

Transitional Fall Attire

I love the feeling of the season change from summer to fall. I am by no means a cold weather fan, I mean if someone wants to buy me a plane ticket and move me down south right now I would be thrilled, but I love the activities and transitional outfits of the fall season. Something about fall just brings everyone together. It makes me want to stay in and cuddle my pups and spend time with my family. It also makes me want to go out and pick apple for apple pie (OK, a pie my mother would have to cook for me) and go on hayride and drink wine at a winery while weather still permits us to sit outside. It just a great season! 

However, sometimes it can be realllllyyy hard to dress for! I am so ready to pull out every sweater and pair of boots I own, but its really not THAT cold yet (except in my office where I swear you could keep meat frozen in there). Also, I live in Ohio and its cold like 8 months out of the year, so if I start wearing my winter clothes too soon I am going to be sick of them by December. I try and wear some summer and winter clothes mixed together for fall. It lets me stay warm and wear some of cozier clothes, but I still get use out of summer stuff that I am not ready to give up yet! 

{Shirt: Old Navy} {Pants: Limited (old) Love This Color}
{Scarf: Old Similar} {Earrings: Old Navy in store only}
{Watch: Michael Kors}

This is another shirt from Old Navy and I really can't stop singing their praises for their fall line!! I love that this shirt has some stretch in it so it doesn't lose it's shape during that day. I wore it with some more summery pants and a matching scarf and it felt like the perfect combo! Please forgive my winkly pants, me and my iron are not on speaking terms. It had been a busy week and, Ain't nobody got time for that!! 

Since I work at a Bank, I have the day off today!! I plan on spending it doing NOTHING (OK, maybe ironing some pants), but really just taking the time to relax! 

Have a great Monday y'all!!

Tori <3


  1. You are adorable, Tori! I love this scarf and the pretty colors in your outfit. Perfect fall transitional look.

  2. Aw you are super sweet!! Fall is by far my favorite season to dress for :) I so appreciate you reading the blog! You are a great inspiration to me!! I love reading your blog!!


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